Virtual Chapter Mtg | Project Success Through Stakeholder Management

Virtual Chapter Meeting

May 20 from 6:00-7:30 pm

1.5 PDUs - Self Reporting (Power Skills – 0.75 PDUs, Business Acumen – 0.75 PDUs) 

The first 15 minutes will be focused on Chapter information / upcoming events, followed by our learning topic:

Project Success Through Stakeholder Management 

Sometimes great results are not celebrated by all because the process excluded or ignored those that hold the stake. Stakeholders need to know that their voices have been heard and that there will be no surprises.

“A healthy organization acts on the interests of its stakeholders and customers”.  Project Managers are an essential bridge between the project sponsor and multiple stakeholders. They ensure that the project is executed in the best possible manner so that customer delight is maintained while business interests are fully preserved. 

Stakeholder management plays a crucial role in project management and organizational success. It involves identifying, understanding, and engaging with individuals or groups who have a vested interest or are impacted by a project. This practice is essential because stakeholders can significantly influence the project's outcome. 

Stakeholder management is important to ensure alignment and support. By actively involving stakeholders and considering their needs, expectations, and perspectives, project managers can gain their buy-in and commitment to the project's success. This alignment leads to smoother project execution and reduced conflicts. 

“Sometimes great results are not celebrated by all because the process excluded or ignored those that hold the stake. Stakeholders need to know that their voices have been heard and that there will be no surprises”. 

Lerarning Objectives:

  • Learn the key aspects of stakeholder management and stakeholder engagement. 
  • Understand the directions and levels of stakeholder influence. 
  • Learn how to reach and engage more stakeholders. 
  • Understand how to increase accountability with better-informed project decisions through stakeholder engagement. 
  • Value how stakeholder management improves risk identification and mitigation. 

About our Speaker |  Bob Olech


Bob is a personable, enthusiastic, and accomplished IT professional who thrives on consistently raising the standards of personal and professional excellence. Throughout his 42+ year career, Bob has worked in a variety of industries including electric utilities, government, law enforcement, banking, insurance, technical services, program/project management consulting, and PMO management. 

Bob is the recipient of honors from several organizations for senior leadership, customer focus, problem solving and delivering results. His vision and ability to build lasting relationships leads to long-term solutions and success. Bob is most fulfilled when helping other people grow professionally. Bob embraces the core values of mentorship, coaching and Servant Leadership.  He believes that servant leaders are people who practice a leadership philosophy that enriches the lives of individuals and builds better organizations. 

Bob’s primary philosophy is “A healthy organization acts on the interests of its stakeholders and customers”.  Project Managers are an essential bridge between the project sponsor and multiple stakeholders. They ensure that the project is executed within the best possible manner so that customer delight is maintained while business interests are fully preserved.

Bob enjoys volunteering. He has a long history of advancing inclusion and equity in education, youth sports, and community events. He is currently the webmaster for the PMI Huron Valley Chapter and continues to volunteer time “to give back”.                                                                             

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Type of category: Chapter Meeting

Date: 20 May 2024

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:30PM

# of PDUs: 1.5


PMI-HVCMembers: $10.00

Non members and Guests: $15.00


Virtual Meeting