February 2020 Chapter Meeting

Business Acumen

Join Us  and Speaker Dr. Hani Emari on Feb 20th for Change Management for Business Success by a Project Management Professional

Being a Construction Project Management Professional by Trade, with Ph.D. level Education in Facility Management and a Doctorate Degree of Business Management and Administration, Dr. Hani Emari, PMP designed a Mini-MBA course for Wayne State University to teach Construction Management Graduate Students about Business of Engineering. Dr. Emari has collected and compressed his gained knowledge and experience of completing over 25 major construction development projects, and business management consulting for 15 successful process improvement projects in the span of the past 20 years in this Mini-MBA course. This 10 session course summarized the entire MBA program in one summer course and he will summarize that entire class in a one-hour session in his presentation for PMI Michigan Huron Valley Chapter  on February 20th with the following title: “Change Management for Business Success by a Project Management Professional”
A synopsis on the presentation is available on LinkedIn in the following address:

Speaker: Dr. Hani Emari, PMP

Hani Emari is a Professional Project Manager with work experience on over 25 large-scale projects from design and engineering to construction and facility management. Dr. Emari has the technical knowledge, interpersonal skills and broad market experience to deliver business development and project management services across the entire project life cycle for projects ranging in value from $500,000 to 500 Million USD for both public and private sectors. To prove his competence and credentials, Dr. Emari obtained his PMP Certification in 2016 and his Doctorate of Business Administration in Business Strategic Planning to complement his Project Management and Business Development experience. He has provided staff mentoring and coaching to a variety of industries and as part of his continuing education program.  Dr. Emari is currently working as a Project Quality Manager with Brinker on a DTE Project, teaches Business of Engineering, a mini-MBA course with Wayne State University, and he is the Director of Corporate Outreach with PMIGLC.


Chapter meeting begins at 6:30PM.    

Doors open at 6:00 PM for networking and hors d'oeuvres.

Online registration closes at noon on the day before the meeting.

Walk-ins are welcome!  We accept cash or check at the door.


Earn PDU's:  Meeting attendance equals 1.5 PDU's (Category: Strategy)

Pre-registrants get a $5 discount!



Student pricing - $10 with valid student ID

 Register as a student.  Then show up at the door and present your student ID





PMI-HVC Members get a $5 discount!

You must log-in to the chapter website to receive your member discount.



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Meeting

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: 20 February 2020

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1.5


PMI-HVCMembers: $15.00

Non members and Guests: $20.00


Washtenaw Community College - Room GM GM 320

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