April 2020 Chapter Meeting

Business Acumen
Build Trust. Tell the Stories Employees and Customers really need to hear by Babette Ten Haken

This Meeting Will be Online Only

BabetteTenHakenedited.jpeg  Do your internal and external customers trust the stories you tell? Are these stories actually use- or business cases which stop, just when they need to continue? Courageous and compelling storytelling is your key to business growth: acquiring, serving and retaining customers, partners, stakeholders and your colleagues: the internal customers you serve.

Explore the key elements of legendary storytelling. Rediscover your own Signature Stories, your legends, residing in the stories you currently dismiss as unimportant or bury because these stories are associated with workplace toxicity. By leveraging co-created storytelling, across the organization, successfully reflect the voices of employees, stakeholders and clients. The voices you can design and innovate new products, services and systems around. Leverage a storytelling culture as part of your compelling human capital strategy. When you continuously connect your story to everyone else’s story, you co-create Trust: the most powerful employee and customer experience of all. One of the most powerful human experiences of all. To get to where you need to go, Together.
Outcomes and Benefits
  • Leverage Signature Storytelling, Legendary Storytelling, to catalyze more productive and profitable communication and collaboration across your own organization, your partners’ and your clients’, regardless of professional disciplines, job titles, pay grades, levels of education and generations;
  • Poke holes in value silos based on the differentiated value of employees who solve problems differently. A storytelling culture becomes a key component of a purpose-driven human capital strategy; and
  • Develop more visible, relevant and valuable employees who understand how their stories, and “what they do,” are connected to “what everyone else does” in attracting and retaining partners and clients. 

Babette Ten Haken is a Signature Storyteller of Workforce Legends. She serves organizations and associations wrestling with the impact of today’s interconnected technical environments on workforce and leadership capacity to handle change. Babette translates across people and professional disciplines.

Create bridges across the Voice of the Employee / Voice of the Customer communication disconnects which can marginalize, exclude or intimidate employees, partners and clients.

Babette Ten Haken’s Signature Stories are forged from her own experiences as a STEM professional, Voice of the Customer Facilitator and Six Sigma Green Belt working on new product development teams, right around the time the Internet of Things exploded into our business environments. She focuses people on what they have in common, rather than on what separates them. Babette motivates people to combine courage and critical thinking skills to create Trust, one of the greatest employee - and human - experiences of all.

Babette is a member of SME, ASQ, SHRM and the National Speakers Association, where she serves on the Michigan Chapter Board of Directors. She graduated with dual degrees from both Washington University, St. Louis MO USA and University College, University of London, UK. 

Meeting Details

  • Meeting will be online only. A link will be sent to those that are confirmed registered shortly before the meeting.
  • Online registration closes at noon on the day of the meeting.

PDUs Earned = 1.5 in Strategy

PMI-HVC Members get a $5 discount! You must log-in to the chapter website to receive your member discount.



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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Meeting

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: 23 April 2020

Hour: 7:00PM to 9:00PM

# of PDUs: 1.5


Students: $10.00

PMI-HVCMembers: $15.00

Non members and Guests: $20.00

