Leading from the Middle
Like the Non Commissioned officer in the Army, the project management professional is on the front lines, is in the middle as both follower and leader, is expected to organize things and people, recognize and solve problems on the fly and do it all with confidence, the right attitude, and demeanor. In this session attendees learn the RULE of leading from the middle to bring people together and get things done.
About the speaker:
Steve Donofrio is passionate about uniting people in harmony, inspiring them to action. As a former noncommissioned officer (NCO) in the US Army with deployments to Iraq and Kuwait for the first Gulf war and other real-world missions he understands the phrase “leaders eat last”, because he has done it. Steve knows that leadership is about serving first. As an international motivational leadership speaker, Steve utilizes his 20 plus years of experience to help leaders move things to done (by) through and with others. He believes, the true measure of a leader is defined within the actions and accomplishments of those they influence.
Book author, and former contributing writer for Japan's leading professional security journal, Security Research Magazine. Steve has been featured live and virtual as a subject matter expert on local, regional, and national media platforms on 3 different Continents.
Speaker Page: https://stevedonofrio.com/
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